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Series 10 Tutoring

A private tutor may be exactly what you need to help you pass the Series 10 exam. A skilled Series 10 tutor can make a large impact on your mastery of the Series 10 material in a relatively short period of time. Private tutoring is most effective when preparing for the Series 10 exam under the following scenarios:

  1. You have prepared for the Series 10 exam by reading the textbook fully, taken a large number of Series 10 practice exams and are having trouble mastering the information or are facing challenges applying the knowledge required by the Series 10 exam. Or,

  2. In addition to the Series 10 exam preparation detailed above you have taken the Series 10 exam and did not pass the test and you are scheduled to retake the Series 10 exam in the next few weeks, or,

  3. You’re an industry veteran who is now being required to become registered and have a very limited amount of time to prepare for the Series 10 exam.

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Why Use A Series 10 Tutor?

It Makes a Difference

Working one on one with a Series 10 tutor just prior to taking your Series 10 exam can make all the difference in the world. A Series 10 tutor will make sure you are focused, have mastered the Series 10 material, and are confident in the application of the knowledge during your Series 10 exam. For Series 10 candidates who are getting ready to take the Series 10 exam for the first time or who have taken the Series 10 exam and missed passing the exam by 1 – 12 points, 4 – 8 hours of tutoring are usually enough to ensure you pass the Series 10 exam.

Series 10 Tutoring Case Study Number 1

A recent Series 10 tutoring program was designed for a candidate who was promoted to branch office manger at a large national firm. This Series 10 candidate easily passed the series 9 exam having conducted options business for 15 years, but was having issues fully understanding some of the material on the Series 10 exam. The municipal securities regulations were giving the candidate the most trouble. He had read the Series 10 book cover to cover and was still having issues with some of the questions. His recent scores on Series 10 exam questions indicated that passing the exam was not a sure thing. The candidate was looking to take the Series 10 exam by the end of the month.


One of our Series 10 instructors phoned the candidate to discuss his Series 10 exam prep. This Series 10 candidate had not done a municipal bond trade that he could remember in his entire career and the last time he had seen the municipal securities material was on his series 7 exam more than 15 years ago. The Series 10 tutor asked him to go back and review the muni section in the Series 10 book during the next several days and scheduled two 90 minute virtual tutoring sessions. During the first session our Series 10 tutor detailed the key concepts and application of the rules relating to municipal securities and advised him to take all of the Series 10 practice questions on municipal securities and to review the answers carefully. By the second session the following Monday the Series 10 candidate’s simulated Series 10 exam results showed a dramatic improvement on the municipal securities questions on the Series 10 exam. The second session covered test taking strategies, a final review of the municipal regulations and key test points for the other main areas on the Series 10 exam. The candidate passed the Series 10 exam with a score of 87%.

Series 10 Tutoring Case Study Number 2

Recently a broker dealer decided it wanted to appoint a non producing branch office manger at one of its offices to ensure that 100% of the manager’s focus was on managing and supervising the staff. The firm elected to appoint a candidate from its back office management team. This Series 10 candidate had passed the series 24 some years back and had not been required to pass the Series 10 exam prior to his new appointment. The candidate had to pass the Series 10 exam in 30 days. This Series 10 candidate was dramatically changing positions within the firm and trying to study to take his Series 10 exam. He was trying to read the book and take practice tests between meetings and on the weekends. He had a good general understanding of the material but he needed help in applying the knowledge and guidance in preparing for the Series 10 exam.


One of our Series 10 tutors spoke with him on the phone and advised him on the best practices for preparing for the Series 10 exam. The tutor put together a time line and game plan for him to pass the Series 10 exam. . Having worked in back office operations for years this Series 10 candidate had a good knowledge base on which to build upon. He needed assistance with understanding some of the more subtle concepts and in the application of the knowledge when taking the test questions. Our series 10 tutor put together a comprehensive training plan designed to ensure that he passed his Series 10 exam. Our Series 10 tutor met with the Series 10 candidate Saturday and Sunday from 12PM – 4 PM. The candidate took his exam that following Monday and passed the Series 10 exam with a score of 82%.

Series 10 Tutoring Case Study Number 3

A large producer was recruited to a new firm to manage a high profile office. He had been a producing manager at another firm but had only been required to take the series 24 exam. His new position now required him to take the Series 10 exam. This Series 10 candidate was very well established, very busy and had little time to focus on the mundane but important task of passing the Series 10 exam. This Series 10 candidate needed someone to walk him through the exam prep process and to ensure he passed the Series 10 exam on the first attempt.


Our Series 10 tutor met with him each day from 4PM – 6PM for two weeks and conducted a full Series 10 review class. The Series 10 tutor assigned Series 10 practice tests as homework each evening and reviewed the results with the Series 10 candidate at the start of each session. The Series 10 tutor made sure he understood the material and was confident is the application of the information on the Series 10 exam. After two weeks the sessions were completed and the candidate easily passed the Series 10 exam.   Series 10 tutoring needs to be a customized training solution based on the needs of the individual candidate to be effective. Each Series 10 candidate has their own areas of strength and of weakness. By identifying the weak areas, improving comprehension, and guiding the candidate though the exam process, a Series 10 tutor can help ensure that you pass the Series 10 exam.

Need A Tutor For The Series 10 Exam ?

Unlock Series 10 success with a private tutor! If you’ve thoroughly studied the textbook and taken multiple practice exams but still face challenges mastering or applying the material, a skilled Series 10 tutor can make a rapid impact.
