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Author: Securities Institute Staff

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What you need to know about TIPS, Eurbonds and CDS to pass your Exam

By Securities Institute Staff
Here is what you need to know about TIPS, Eurobonds and credit default swaps or CDS to pass your FINRA Exams Treasury Inflation Protected Securities or TIPS are direct obligations that are designed to protect investors from the negative impact of inflation. A conservative investor purchases a TIP with a coupon rate of 4 percent.... "What you need to know about TIPS, Eurbonds and CDS to pass your Exam"

What is Tested On Crowd Funding

By Securities Institute Staff
Crowdfunding has become a popular way for issuers to raise capital from small investors. Issuers may offer securities to investors for purchase through a broker dealer or through a registered crowdfunding portal. The portal must be registered with the SEC and must also be a FINRA member firm. Issuers who raise capital through crowdfunding may... "What is Tested On Crowd Funding"

Series 3 Test Tips

By Securities Institute Staff
Here are some great series 3 test tips to master for your series 3 exam. Students need to master the economic factors that can impact the prices of commodities one of the important factors is supply and demand elasticity. The supply and demand for any given commodity may be elastic or inelastic based on changes... "Series 3 Test Tips"

Series 24 market maker registration and responsibility

By Securities Institute Staff
Here are some of the key points that you need to know about market maker registration and responsibility to help you pass you series 24 exam. All broker dealers that wish to register as a market maker must file an application with FINRA and demonstrate that they are in good standing with FINRA and that... "Series 24 market maker registration and responsibility"

What you Must Know About Form ADV to Pass The Series 65 Exam

By Securities Institute Staff
A very important test topic to master for you upcoming series 65 exam is what appears on Form ADV and how its various parts are used. An investment adviser will begin its formal registration process by filling out Form ADV. The ADV form will provide detailed information regarding the investment adviser and it is comprised... "What you Must Know About Form ADV to Pass The Series 65 Exam"

New Option Topics Tested on The Series 7 Exam

By Securities Institute Staff
Here is some great information on the type of non-standardized options are likely to be tested on your series 7 exam. Test takers should understand the operational aspects and the uses of mini options, weekly options and binary options. Mini options The options exchanges have begun offering option contracts that allow an investor to speculate... "New Option Topics Tested on The Series 7 Exam"

Series 65 Exam Tip

By Securities Institute Staff
Here is some great information on how trusts may be tested on your series 65 exam. Trusts may be revocable or irrevocable. With a revocable trust, the individual who established the trust and contributes assets to the trust, known as the grantor or settlor , may, as the name suggests, revoke the trust and take... "Series 65 Exam Tip"