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Category: Series 65 Exam Prep

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Annuity payments and taxation

By Securities Institute Staff
In our previous article we reviewed the three ways for purchasing an annuity contract. Let’s move forward here, and get a little bit more detailed about some of the specifics regarding the operation of the annuity’s separate account. When an investor contributes money into a variable annuity product, that money goes into the separate account... "Annuity payments and taxation"

Investment Advisor Conflicts

By Securities Institute Staff
 In this article we are going to examine the use of social media and its impact on investment advisors and their representatives.  Additionally, we will explore best practices for investment advisors to disclose potential conflicts of interest and to manage their fiduciary duty to the client. LinkedIn, this feature is almost impossible to ignore. Why... "Investment Advisor Conflicts"

FINRA test prep – variable annuity contracts

By Securities Institute Staff
In this article we are going to review what you need to know about variable annuities to pass your FINRA exam. An annuity is a contract between an individual and an insurance company. Once the contract is entered into, the individual becomes known as the annuitant. There are several different types of annuity contracts that... "FINRA test prep – variable annuity contracts"

FINRA exam prep- schools of economic thought

By Securities Institute Staff
In this article we are going to take a look at the impact Economic Policy can have on the overall health of the business cycle. Additionally, we will look at the approach taken by various schools of economic thought  to try to guide the economy through the business cycle. Classical economics Classical economics originated in... "FINRA exam prep- schools of economic thought"

Should I take the series 65 or series 66 exam ?

By Securities Institute Staff
There are several key differences between the series 65 and series 66 exams. Determining which exam you should take will depend on your particular circumstances. Usually students who have passed or are planning to pass the series 7 opt to take the series 66 in lieu of the series 63 exam. This allows the agent to... "Should I take the series 65 or series 66 exam ?"

What you need to know about TIPS, Eurbonds and CDS to pass your Exam

By Securities Institute Staff
Here is what you need to know about TIPS, Eurobonds and credit default swaps or CDS to pass your FINRA Exams Treasury Inflation Protected Securities or TIPS are direct obligations that are designed to protect investors from the negative impact of inflation. A conservative investor purchases a TIP with a coupon rate of 4 percent.... "What you need to know about TIPS, Eurbonds and CDS to pass your Exam"

Series 65 Security Valuation and Analysis

By Securities Institute Staff
Here is some great information on dividend valuation models and statistical analysis to help you pass your series 65 exam Dividend Valuation models A fundamental analysts may use a dividend valuation model to determine a fair valuation for an equity security and to determine if an investment is warranted The two dividend valuation models most... "Series 65 Security Valuation and Analysis"

What you Must Know About Form ADV to Pass The Series 65 Exam

By Securities Institute Staff
A very important test topic to master for you upcoming series 65 exam is what appears on Form ADV and how its various parts are used. An investment adviser will begin its formal registration process by filling out Form ADV. The ADV form will provide detailed information regarding the investment adviser and it is comprised... "What you Must Know About Form ADV to Pass The Series 65 Exam"