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Securities Exam Blog

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Private Placements and Bad Actors

By Securities Institute Staff
More and more questions are popping up on FINRA Exams concerning disqualifying events which prohibit certain bad actors from participating in private placement offerings. With the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,  certain “bad actors” are precluded from participating in offerings under Regulation 506. If any covered person has been... "Private Placements and Bad Actors"

SEC customer classification

By Securities Institute Staff
The SEC requires broker dealers to adhere to strict financial responsibility rules. These rules include the customer protection rule 15c3-3 and the net capital rule 15c3-1. The net capital rules have always been part of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and require broker-dealers to maintain a minimum level of financial solvency.  The more complex... "SEC customer classification"

Broker-dealer AML audit requirements

By Securities Institute Staff
All broker-dealers must conduct an independent audit of their anti money laundering program prior to the end of each year.  To assist you in avoiding common mistakes and oversights that could become comments in your next AML Testing report, please review the following list of common findings identified during AML testing and recommendations on how... "Broker-dealer AML audit requirements"

Outside Business Activities And Private Securities Transactions

By Securities Institute Staff
In this article we are going to provide you with a comprehensive review regarding the outside business activities of associated persons and private Securities transactions.  Both of these topics are hot buttons for FINRA and are not only widely tested on their exams, but are also closely scrutinized during compliance examinations by FINRA staff members. ... "Outside Business Activities And Private Securities Transactions"

Annuity payments and taxation

By Securities Institute Staff
In our previous article we reviewed the three ways for purchasing an annuity contract. Let’s move forward here, and get a little bit more detailed about some of the specifics regarding the operation of the annuity’s separate account. When an investor contributes money into a variable annuity product, that money goes into the separate account... "Annuity payments and taxation"

Investment Advisor Conflicts

By Securities Institute Staff
 In this article we are going to examine the use of social media and its impact on investment advisors and their representatives.  Additionally, we will explore best practices for investment advisors to disclose potential conflicts of interest and to manage their fiduciary duty to the client. LinkedIn, this feature is almost impossible to ignore. Why... "Investment Advisor Conflicts"

FINRA test prep – variable annuity contracts

By Securities Institute Staff
In this article we are going to review what you need to know about variable annuities to pass your FINRA exam. An annuity is a contract between an individual and an insurance company. Once the contract is entered into, the individual becomes known as the annuitant. There are several different types of annuity contracts that... "FINRA test prep – variable annuity contracts"

FINRA exam prep- schools of economic thought

By Securities Institute Staff
In this article we are going to take a look at the impact Economic Policy can have on the overall health of the business cycle. Additionally, we will look at the approach taken by various schools of economic thought  to try to guide the economy through the business cycle. Classical economics Classical economics originated in... "FINRA exam prep- schools of economic thought"
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