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GreenLight Guarantee ™

We are so confident in the ability of our materials to prepare you to pass your exam that we are now offering our GreenLight Guarantee ™

Pass our GreenLight exam within 5 days of your actual exam, and if you do not pass we will refund your money.

For people who purchase exam prep software with the greenlight guarantee
If you bought only the exam prep software we will refund 100% of you purchase price.

For people who purchase a training package with exam prep software with the greenlight guarantee
If you bought any training package with a textbook we will refund 100% of the purchase price of your package less $25 shipping and handling ( we always pay for shipping ).

What is the GreenLight Exam?

Our Greenlight exams have been developed based on the feedback received from thousands of students, regulatory outlines, rule amendments and notices. The questions in these exams have been developed by a huge team of the industry’s foremost exam prep experts.

What are the limitations on the GreenLight Exam?

The Greenlight Exam may only be taken once. This is the score that will be used to determine your readiness to sit for the actual exam.

When should I take my GreenLight Exam?

You should take your GreenLight exam as one of your last exam prep exercises. You should have read your book completely, made notes and reviewed the most challenging areas several times. You should have spent a significant amount of time taking the practice exams and simulated final exams in our test bank prior to taking the GreenLight Exam. Only take the GreenLight Exam when you can give it your full and complete attention without being interrupted.

What if I used materials from another provider ?

While we strongly feel that our Wiley Exam Review Guides are the best in the business, we understand that there are other options available. Our GreenLight Guarantee ™ is still in full force for you.

What if I purchased a full study solution and do not pass?

If you bought any training package with a textbook we will refund 100% of the purchase price of your package less $25 shipping and handling ( we always pay for shipping ).

How do I claim my money back guarantee if I do not pass my exam?

Email your score sheet from your approved test center to No refunds will be processed without your certified score sheet.

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