Series 65 Tutoring
A private tutor may be exactly what you need to help you pass the Series 65 exam. A skilled Series 65 tutor can make a large impact on your mastery of the series 65 material in a relatively short period of time. Private tutoring is most effective when preparing for the Series 65 exam under the following scenarios:
- You have prepared for the Series 65 exam by reading the textbook fully, taken a large number of Series 65 practice exams and are having trouble mastering the information, or are facing challenges applying the knowledge required by the Series 65 exam, or,
- In addition to the Series 65 exam preparation detailed above you have taken the Series 65 exam and did not pass the test and you are scheduled to retake the Series 65 exam in the next few weeks, or,
- You’re an industry veteran who is now being required to become registered and have a very limited amount of time to prepare for the exam.
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Why Use A Series 65 Tutor?
It Makes a Difference
Working one on one with a Series 65 tutor just prior to taking your Series 65 exam can make all the difference in the world. A Series 65 tutor will make sure you are focused, have mastered the Series 65 material, and are confident in the application of the knowledge during your Series 65 exam. For Series 65 candidates who are getting ready to take the Series 65 exam for the first time or who have taken the Series 65 exam and missed passing the exam by 1 – 12 points, 4 – 8 hours of tutoring are usually enough to ensure you pass the Series 65 exam.

Series 65 Tutoring Case Study Number 1
A recent Series 65 candidate who had invested a large amount of time preparing for her Series 65 exam was not scoring well enough on her practice exams to be ready to pass the actual Series 65 exam. She was scoring well on most of the sections, but was having trouble with the portfolio management concepts and distinguishing the subtle differences in terms like convexity and duration. Her most recent scores on her Series 65 practice tests were all under 70% and not high enough for her to take the actual Series 65 exam.
One of our Series 65 instructors reviewed her exam results and noticed she was missing similar types of questions on her practice exams. Her issues with the questions were with the concepts relating to factors that impact a portfolio’s performance and with investment strategies. Our Series 65 instructor spent a total of four hours virtually tutoring this Series 65 candidate, focusing on the concepts of duration, convexity portfolio performance, Alpha and other investment strategies and concepts. She was also given a significant amount of guidance for her test taking strategies. On her next simulated Series 65 exam her score had increased significantly. The next week she passed her Series 65 exam with a score of 83%.

Want instant access to an on demand tutor?
Preparing for an exam has never been easier. TotalGenius, is a new on demand private tutor. Powered By OWEN. TotalGenius is the first AI powered real time instructor for the securities exam prep industry. Ready to answer all of your Securities Exam questions 24X7. TotalGenius provides you with access to an unlimited number of examples and explanations. It is always ready to answer any question. Scroll the images and play the video to learn more.

Series 65 Tutoring Case Study Number 2
A Series 65 candidate who was a mutual fund and insurance agent was now seeking to become licensed to offer the new managed account product his firm was now promoting to its clients. This Series 65 candidate knew a great deal about mutual funds and insurance, having practiced in that area for over 15 years. However, he had little understanding of portfolio management and the roles of the investment adviser, the investment adviser rep, and how the state administrator and SEC regulated advisers and reps. This Series 65 candidate had taken a large number of practice questions but had not cracked the book. It is extremely unlikely that someone will pass the Series 65 exam by simply taking practice questions. This fact is clear when reviewing the candidate’s test score on his first attempt at the Series 65 exam.
One of our Series 65 tutors spoke with him on the phone and evaluated his exam results. This Series 65 candidate was advised that he must read a book in order to ensure that he passed the exam and that the tutor’s role was to assist the candidate in the areas of comprehension and application of the knowledge. We sent this candidate our Series 65 textbook and assigned him chapter readings on a set schedule in line with his date to retest. The Series 65 tutor assigned 4 chapters per week and met with the candidate at their office on Friday of each week from 4 PM – 8PM to review the material that was read during the week. The Series 65 tutor helped the candidate build their knowledge chapter by chapter. The candidate completed the book and met with the Series 65 tutor one last time. On Tuesday of the following week the candidate took the Series 65 exam, his score increased by 20 points and he easily passed the Series 65 exam.

Series 65 Tutoring Case Study Number 3
A large producer who had been receiving transaction based compensation wanted to transition his business to fee based managed accounts and needed to pass the Series 65 exam. This candidate had not even started to prepare for the Series 65 exam and wanted to be walked through the entire Series 65 exam prep process. The candidate’s assistant made all the arrangements and assured us that she would make sure that he stayed focused when meeting with the Series 65 tutor. Very often an established candidate’s biggest challenge is focusing on the goal of passing the Series 65 exam.
We sent the candidate our Series 65 textbook and set him up with our Series 65 video and online exam prep software. The candidate’s assistant said she would make sure that he did as much self study as he could. The only time he could meet was Wednesdays from 6 PM – 9PM and Saturdays from 9AM – 12PM. Our Series 65 tutor met with him for five weeks and conducted a full Series 65 review course. The Series 65 tutor assigned Series 65 practice tests and reviewed the results with the Series 65 candidate over the phone, and via countless emails. The Series 65 tutor guided him through the entire Series 65 exam prep process. The candidate took the Series 65 exam at the end of the five weeks and passed his Series 65 exam. Series 65 tutoring needs to be a customized training solution based on the needs of the individual candidate to be effective. Each Series 65 candidate has his or her own areas of strength and weakness. By identifying the weak areas, improving comprehension, and guiding the candidate through the exam prep process, a Series 65 tutor can help ensure that you pass the Series 65 exam.